
Showing posts from May, 2021

What Coffee Capsules are Compatible with Nespresso

  Water in the capsule container instead of Coffee in the Cup: The new Nespresso Machine models create incompatibility with Capsule Clones. Nespresso has changed the way capsules are pierced, causing some compatible capsules to no longer function properly. The needles in the latest Nespresso models are so thin that they are not able to pierce the capsule of some competitors and in the extreme case, will crush the capsule. The Nespresso machine models "Pixie", "U", and "Inissia" are using the new, thinner injectors. This is "part of our ongoing development" of the capsule system. The problem for customers: While the new, thinner needles work well with the original capsule compatible Nespresso , they struggle with some plastic capsules from other manufacturers, as the needles are too thin and can’t pierce through the hard plastic. The result: crushed capsules, half-full cups and plenty of water in the body, or the machine simply refused their...