Which Nespresso Coffee Capsules Can I Use? Here is a good response
For some reason, the way Nespresso pierces compatible capsules no longer works. Even in extreme cases, the new Nespresso models have needles so thin that they can't stickto some competitors' capsules. The new, thinner propellants are being used in the Nespresso compatible machines "Pixie," "U," and "Inissia." According to Nestle, this is part of the "ongoing development" of its capsule system. The issue that customers face Because they are too thin to pierce the hard plastic of some other brands, the new thinner needles from Nespresso do not work as well with the aluminum capsule of the original Nespresso. The outcome Crushed capsules, half-full cups, and a lot of fluid in the body or the machine turned off. Advice Because the new capsule compatible Nespresso machines do not work with all capsule clones, anybody who has previously utilized coffee capsules from other makers must keep their Nespresso machine for as long as n...