How to Choose the Best Olive Oil and Sparkling Water


Choosing the right olive oil or sparkling water can be a major challenge if you don’t know where to start. This micro guide explains how.

They say oil and water don’t mix, but in this blog they do. We’re going to tackle how to find the right batch of olive oil for your next big party as well as mention a word on mineral water before letting you go.

Buying olive oil can sound really complicated. You have to learn about types, blends, geographies, years, samples, and price points. You could simplify this.

·         Check the origin of the oil – Where is it purchased? Look for European blends.

·         Ensure you won’t be heating up the oil. Heating olive oil isn’t correct as the flavors are lost. For an artistical product, that’s the last thing desired. Instead, invest in cooking oil for cooking and olive oil for other uses.

·         Be sure to the expiation date while you’re at it. When buying fine foods and luxury items like olive oil, you have to be careful they haven’t been sitting on the shelf too long. Also, keep in mind how fast you will use the quantity you are buying.

That’s the secret to finding the best olive oil to buy. Here’s a lead on where to buy olive oil:

Sparkling water – we mentioned it earlier, and it’s returned to the conversation. If you think there are health benefits to olive oil, then pick up some mineral water or sparkling water while you’re shopping for fine Italian foods.

You can throw some fruit in the water, and wow, a great drink!It’s a refreshing twist on an old standby, and very Italian of you.

Whether shopping for olive oil, sparkling water, or both, just call on an Italian grocer or deli.


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